Federal and State parliamentarians
Federal Parliament
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Australian Capital Territory
Norther Territory
Secular Charities
Atheists Helping the Homeless @ Kiva
The Atheist Alliance International
The Richard Dawkins Foundation
The Smith Family
International Humanist and Ethical Union
Foundation Beyond Belief
Secular Humanist Aid and Relief Effort
Doctors Without Borders
Engineers Without Borders
Oxfam Australia
United Nations Children’s Fund
Australian secular, atheist and science websites
Atheist Foundation of Australia
Rationalist Society of Australia: http://www.rationalist.com.au/
Secular: Reason Road: http://www.reasonroad.org.au/
Secular Party of Australia: http://www.secular.org.au/
Secular Coalition of Australia: http://secoa.org/
Sydney Atheists: http://www.sydneyatheists.org/
Progressive Atheists, Melbourne: http://progressiveatheists.org/
Melbourne Atheists: http://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-Atheists/
Adelaide Atheist Community of SA: http://www.meetup.com/AtheistCommunitySA/
Perth Atheists: http://www.meetup.com/PerthAtheists/
Brisbane Atheists: http://www.meetup.com/BrisbaneAtheists/
Canberra Atheists: http://www.meetup.com/atheists-596/
Atheist Society http://atheism.quantechsolutions.com.au/atheist-society/
Atheist Meet Up groups: All States: http://progressiveatheists.org/about-us/allied-groups/atheist-meetups-australia/
Skeptics groups: All States: http://progressiveatheists.org/about-us/allied-groups/skeptics-of-australia/
Australian Skeptics: http://www.skeptics.com.au/
Other Australian organisations
Primary Ethics website http://www.primaryethics.com.au/
Fairness in Religions in School (Victoria) http://religionsinschool.com/
Fairness in Religions in School (South Australia) http://www.firissa.org/
RiAus (Royal Institution of Australia) website http://riaus.org.au/
Australian science organisations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Scientific_organisations_based_in_Australia
Voluntary Euthanasia (VE): List of all State groups http://www.saves.asn.au/links.php
Voluntary Euthanasia (VE): Exit International (Australia) http://exitinternational.net/
Marriage Equality http://www.australianmarriageequality.org/
International secular, atheist and science websites
Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science
Sam Harris
weareatheism.com excellent resource
National Centre for Science Education
Talk Origins explores all the creation / evolution issues
Iron Chariots detailed information on atheist / religious questions
The Thinking Atheist covering most of the major topics
Discovering Religion (non-religious) critical analysis of religious doctrine
Bible Contradictions All of them. The Thinking Atheist
Military Assoc. of Atheism Challenging the myth of “no atheists in foxholes”
Humanism and Related websites
The Council of Humanist Societies
The Humanist Society of South Australia
Plain Reason: promoting science, logic, reason, and critical thought.