Radio Interview 2CC Canberra – Religious Transparency at Elections 8.9.15

10 minute interview with Mark Parton at 2CC Canberra.  8.9.15

Picking up the issue of Andrew Hastie, by-election candidate for Canning, on 19.9.15.  He has declared “off limits” any discussion of his family’s (or his own) association with Creationism and Christian fundamentalism.  Refer to the Opinion piece below and the call for politicians to declare their Religious Affiliations.  Voters have a right to know where candidates stand on a swathe of social policy that is obstructed on the basis of religious belief — and ideas that go back to Hebrew scripture (Old Testament) written over 3,000 years ago, in the Bronze Age.

Awaiting MP3 recording of the interview.  Similar to those between 18.8.15 and 25.8.15


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